CTV/OTT Attribution and Analytics Software

Attriboost is the only analytics software that shows a clear picture of a customer journey to your OTT channel.
Credit the channels and specific campaigns to understand how and where to invest your money and efforts. Gain a better understanding of all interactions and touchpoints that customers have with just a few clicks. Attriboost will help your channel perform better, keep your users happy, and bring more revenue through robust CTV/OTT analytics.

Do not guess - Find out!

  • Track revenue and spending for each customer
  • Track the app launch and switch to the first screen
  • Track switch to favorites and actions there
  • Track search menu visits and actions there
  • Track episode selection, video launch, and switch to “recommended” videos
  • Track adding to favorites
  • Track scroll depth
  • Track focus change for a certain element
  • Track subscriptions and customer journey to paid subscriptions

Enjoy Full Transparency

Allroll, Roku, or organic?

Find out which traffic source shows better results, change your ad strategy, and optimize your ad campaigns using CTV/OTT analytics by Attriboost.

How it works:

  • 1

    Sign up
    for Attriboost

  • 2

    Integrate the Attriboost
    SDK to your app

  • 3

    Create your own
    tag to identify your
    traffic source

  • 4

    Create events

  • 5

    Get your awesome

Attriboost your ad campaign right away!